Whether you are someone who is fascinated by cars or is interested to see how they work, then an education followed by a career in the automotive industry might just be what you need. At present, the projected growth rate of jobs in the automotive industry is around 3.46%. This means that starting from jobs like automotive electricians, to sports car designers, to motor mechanics—everything that falls under automotive engineering has a particularly high demand in the job sector. Both motor mechanics and automotive electricians are included in the MLTSSL list—making each of them a suitable pathway to getting PR in Australia.
Entry Requirement
Here is the breakdown of academic requirements and degrees in Automotive Engineering:
Certificate III in Automotive Mechanical Technology
Certificate IV in Automotive Electrical Engineering
Diploma of Automotive Technology
Bachelor of Engineering (Automotive Engineering) (Honours)
Master of Engineering (International Automotive Engineering)
Career Outcome
Some of the career prospects for graduates of Automotive Engineering can include:
Automotive Electric Fitter
Motor Mechanic
Motor Vehicle Parts
Accessories Fitter
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